Home Fluid Mechanics Distinction Between Solid and Fluid Distinction Between Solid and Fluid Author - personSatisfaction 9:45 AM 0 share Distinction Between Solid and Fluid Solid Fluid More Compact Structure Attractive Forces between the moleculesare larger therefore more closely packed Solids can resist tangential stresses in static condition Whenever a solid is subjected to shear stress It undergoes a definite deformationα or breaks α is proportional to shear stress upto some limiting condition Solid may regain partly or fully its original shape when the tangential stress is removed Less Compact Structure Attractive Forces between the moleculesare smaller therefore more loosely packed Fluids cannot resist tangential stresses in static condition. Whenever a fluid is subjected to shear stress No fixed deformation Continious deformation takes placeuntil the shear stress is applied A fluid can never regain its original shape, once it has been distorded by the shear stress Fig 1.3 Deformation of a Solid Body Read Concept of Continuum Tags Fluid Mechanics Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Newer Older
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