Ineffective areas: set to permanent mode
The default method for ineffective flow is that the area defined as ineffective will contain water but have no conveyance( the velocity is assumed to be zero). This remains true until the water surface reaches a trigger elevation( an elevation set by user, as to when the ineffective flow area should become effective again). Once the water surface is higher than the trigger elevation, the entire ineffective flow area becomes effective. Water is assumed to be able to move freely in that area based on the roughness, wetted perimeter and area of each subsection.
Occasionally we may have a need to have these ineffective flow areas remain ineffective permanently. The ineffective flow areas can be set to the permanent mode individually from the cross section editor, or through a table from the geometric data editor. To bring up the table, select set ineffective areas to permanent mode from the tools menu of the geometric data editor. When this option is selected a window will appear as shown.
The editor for this option allows the user to select the river, reach and river stations, of the cross sections in which we want to set the ineffective flow areas to the permanent mode. And those locations to the box on the right side of the editor, by pressing the arrow button in the middle of the editor. Continue to do this until we have all of the cross section that we want. Finally, press the OK button and the data will be reversed.
Ineffective areas: fixed overlapping:
This tool will search through all of the cross sections and check to see if the user has entered blocked ineffective areas that overlap each other. The computational program does not like to have overlapping ineffective flow areas so this must be rectified before the computations can begin. This tool will find all the cross sections that have overlapping ineffective flow areas and it will adjust the stationing of the block with the lower elevation so it does not overlap the adjacent ineffective area.
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