changes caused by changes in moisture and temperature should be accounted for
in the design of reinforced concrete buildings. The magnitude of the forces developed
and the amount of movement caused by these volume changes is directly related
to building length. Contraction and expansion joints limit the magnitude of
forces and movements and cracking induced by moisture or temperature change by dividing
buildings into individual segments. Joints can be planes of weakness to control
the location of cracks (contraction joints), or lines of total separation
between segments (expansion joints).
Due to the low
tensile capacity of concrete, some cracking in reinforced concrete is
unavoidable. Contraction joints provide a weakened plane for cracks to form. Through
the use of architectural details, these joints can be located so that cracks
will occur in less conspicious locations within a building and possibly be
eliminated from view. Expansion joints allow thermally induced movements to
occur with a minimum build-up of stress. The greater the spacing between joints,
the greater the stresses. TypicallY, these jOints isolate a frame into a series
of segments with enough joint width to allow the building to expand with
increasing temperature. By isolating the segments, expansion joints also provide
relief from cracking due to contraction, and therefore act in a dual role.
Crack control in
reinforced concrete buildings is needed for two reasons. The obvious reason is aesthetics.
Where cast-in-place concrete is to be the finished product, cracks are unsightly.
Cracks in major framing elements such as girders and columns tend to promote
questions concerning the structural adequacy of the structure. They may, in
fact, pose no structural problems, but to the average person without structural
knowledge, they can be cause for alarm. Secondly, cracks of substantial width
invite air and moisture into the framework of the structure, possibly having deleterious
for very small structures, it is impractical to place concrete in a continuous
operation. Construction joints are needed in order to accommodate the construction
sequence for placing the concrete. The amount of concrete that can be placed at
one time is governed by bat ching and mixing capacity, crew size, and the
amount of time allotted. Correctly sited and properly executed construction
joints provide limits for successive concrete placements, without adversely
affecting the structure. For monolithic concrete, a good construction joint
provides a wellbonded watertight surface, which allows for flexural and shear
continuity through the joint. Without this continuity, a weakened region
results, which may serve as a contraction or expansion joint. A contraction
joint is formed by I imi ti ng the percentage of reinforcement through the
joint, thus creating a plane of weakness. An expansion joint is formed by
leaving a gap in the structure of sufficient width to remain open under extreme
temperature conditions. If possible, construction joints should coincide with contraction
or expansion joints, which are discussed in the following sections. The balance
of this section is devoted to construction joints in regions of monolithic
achieve a well-bonded watertight joint, a few conditions must be met prior to
placement of the fresh concrete. The hardened concrete must be clean and free
of all. If only a few
hours elapse between successive placements, a visual check is needed to be sure
that all loose particles, dirt, and laitance are removed. The new concrete will
be adequately bonded to the hardened green concrete, provided that the new
concrete is vibrated thoroughly over the area. Older joints need a little more
surface preparation. Cleaning by means of an air-water jet or wire brooming can
be done when the concrete is still soft enough that any laitance can be
removed, but hard enough to prevent aggregate from loosening. Concrete that has
set should be prepared using a wet sand blast or ultra-high pressure water jet
final consideration is placing the construction joint in the right place.
Assuming an adequate production capacity, construction joints should be located
where they will least affect the structural integrity of the element under
consideration, while at the same time being compatible with the building's
appearance. Placement of joints varies, depending on the type of element under construction.
For this reason, beams and slabs will be addressed separately from columns and
the point of view of strength in beam and slab floor systems, desirable
locations for joints placed perpendicular to the main reinforcement are at
points of minimum shear or at points of contraflexure. Typically, joints are
located at mid-span or in the middle third of the span, but locations should be
verified by the engineer before placement is shown on the drawings. In beam and
girder construction, where a beam intersects a girder at the point of minimum
shear, ACI 318 states that the construction joint in the girder should be offset
a distance equal to twice the width of the incident beam. Horizontal
construction joints in beams and girders are usually not recommended. Common
practice is to place beams and girders monolithically. with the slab. In the
case of beam and girder construction where the members are of considerable
depth, Hunter (1953) recommends placing concrete in the beam section up to the
soffit of the slab, then placing the slab in a separate operation. The
reasoning behind this is that cracking of the top surface may result due to
vertical shrinkage in a deep member. With this procedure, there is a
possibility that the two surfaces will slip due to horizontal shear in the
member. In this case, adequate shear transfer must
provided (ACI 318). Construction joints parallel to the slab span can be placed
anywhere, except those locations in T-beam construction that rely on a portion
of the slab to act with the beam in resisting flexure. The main concern in
joint placement is to provide adequate shear transfer and flexural continuity
through the jOint. Flexural continuity is achieved by continuing the
reinforcement through the joint with enough length past the joint to insure an
adequate splice length for the reinforcement. Shear transfer is provided by
shear friction between the old and new concrete, and/or dowel action in the
reinforcement through the joint. Shear keys are usually undesirable (Fintel
1974), since keyways are possible locations for spalling of the concrete. If
proper concreting procedures are followed, the bond between the old and new
concrete, plus the effect of the reinforcement crossing the joint, are adequate
to provide the necessary shear transfer.
It is general
practice to limit concrete placements to a height of one story. Construction
jOints in columns and bearing walls should be located at the undersides of
floor slabs and beams, and at the top of floor
slabs for columns continuing to the next floor. Column capitals, haunches, drop
panels, and brackets, should be placed monolithically with the slab. Depending
on the architecture of the structure, the construction joint may be used as an
architectural detail, or located to blend in without
noticeable. Quality form construction is of paramount importance in order to provide
the visual detail required (PCA 1982). The placement of fresh concrete on a horizontal
surface can affect the joint. Common practice has been to provide a bedding
layer of mortar, of the same proportions as that in the concrete, prior to
placement of new concrete above the joint. The ACI Manual of Concrete
Inspection (ACI Committee 311 1981) recommends using a bedding layer of concrete
with somewhat more cement, sand, and water than the design mix for the
structure. Aggregate less than 3/4 in. can
be left in the bedding layer, but all aggregate larger than 3/4 in.
should be removed. This mix should be placed 4 to 6 in. deep and thoroughly
vibrated with the regular mix placed above. To avoid settlement cracks in slabs
and beams due to vertical shrinkage of previously placed columns and walls, the
concrete in the columns and walls should be allowed to stand for at least two
hours prior to placement of subsequent floors. Placement of vertical
construction joints in walls also needs to be compatible with the architectural
flavor of the structure. Construction jOints are often located near reentrant
corners of walls, alongside columns, or other locations where they become an
architectural feature of the structure. If the
building architecture does not dictate where the joints should be placed,
placement considerations, such as production capacity of the crew or whether or
not one set of forms will be reused along the length of the pour may limit the
length between joints. This criteria will usually limit the maximum horizontal
length to 40 ft between joints in most buildings (PCA 1982). Due to the
critical nature of building corners, it is best
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