Blasius Flow Over A Flat Plate


Blasius Flow Over A Flat Plate
  • The classical problem considered by H. Blasius was
    1. Two-dimensional, steady, incompressible flow over a flat plate at zero angle of incidence with respect to the uniform stream of velocity  .
    2. The fluid extends to infinity in all directions from the plate. 
The physical problem is already illustrated in Fig. 28.1
  • Blasius wanted to determine
    (a) the velocity field solely within the boundary layer,
    (b) the boundary layer thickness  ,
    (c) the shear stress distribution on the plate, and
    (d) the drag force on the plate. 
  • The Prandtl boundary layer equations in the case under consideration are
The boundary conditions are

  • Note that the substitution of the term  in the original boundary layer momentum equation in terms of the free stream velocity produces  which is equal to zero.
  • Hence the governing Eq. (28.15) does not contain any pressure-gradient term.
  • However, the characteristic parameters of this problem are   that is,  
  • This relation has five variables  .
  • It involves two dimensions, length and time. 
  • Thus it can be reduced to a dimensionless relation in terms of (5-2) =3 quantities ( Buckingham Pi Theorem)
  • Thus a similarity variables can be used to find the solution 
  • Such flow fields are called self-similar flow field .