General Viscosity Law


Newton's viscosity law is
  = Shear Stress,
 n is the coordinate direction normal to the solid-fluid interface,
 Î¼ is the coefficient of viscosity, and
 V is velocity.
The above law is valid for parallel flows.
Considering Stokes' viscosity law: shear stress is proportional to rate of shear strain so that


   has two subscripts---first subscript : denotes the direction of the normal to the plane on which the stress acts, while the
second subscript : denotes direction of the force which causes the stress.
The expressions of Stokes' law of viscosity for normal stresses are


where  is a proportionality factor and it is related to the second coefficient of viscosity Î¼1 by the relationship  .
We have already seen that the thermodyamic pressure is 
Now if we add the three equations 24.3(a),(b) and (c) , we obtain,
  • For incompressible fluids, 
    So is satisfied eventually. This is known as Thermodynamic pressure.
  • For compressible fluids, Stokes' hypothesis is  .
  • Invoking this to Eq. (24.4), will finally result in  (same as for incompressible fluid).
  • Interesting historical aspects of the Stoke's assumption  can be found in Truesdell  .
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------† Truesdell , C.A. "Stoke's Principle of Viscosity", Journal of Rational Mechanics and Analysis, Vol.1, pp.228-231,1952.
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Generally, fluids obeying the ideal gas equation follow this hypothesis and they are called Stokesian fluids .
  • The second coefficient of viscosity, Î¼1 has been verified to be negligibly small.
    Substituting Î¼ for  in 24.3a, 24.3b, 24.3c we obtain



In deriving the above stress-strain rate relationship, it was assumed that a fluid has the following properties
  • Fluid is homogeneous and isotropic, i.e. the relation between components of stress and those of rate of strain is the same in all directions.
  • Stress is a linear function of strain rate.
  • The stress-strain relationship will hold good irrespective of the orientation of the reference coordinate system.
The stress components must reduce to the hydrostatic pressure "p" (typically thermodynamic pressure = hydrostatic pressure ) when all the gradients of velocities are zero.