Electric Cars Won’t Save The Planet


Electric Cars Won’t Save The Planet

There is a widely held belief that the amount of dangerous chemicals released into the atmosphere would be greatly reduced if we were to all use Hybrid or Electric cars. According to a new study that was recently published in the Environmental Science and Technology Journal, this is actually not the case. The study has discovered some very interesting stuff. It points to the fact that passenger cars are only responsible for about 20% of total dangerous gas emissions. What this means is that there would not be a particularly drastic reduction in the rate of emissions because of the use of Electric or Hybrid cars. Scientists need to look elsewhere in order to address the problem.
The study I have mentioned was produced by North Carolina University. It has been suggested that 40% of cars in the US may be Hybrid or all electric by the year 2050. The study takes into account variables such as the cost of running a vehicle and the prices of oil and batteries. Even if 40% of cars the US were to be hybrid or electric the study found that it would not have a noticeable effect on gas emissions. The lead author of the study has stated that people should not be discouraged from buying electric cars. Despite these findings, electric cars are still useful when it comes to improving air quality and oil dependency.
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