How do I find people's psychological weakness?

8 minute read
Psychological Weakness Here are 14 Manipulation tactics you can study .

*Flattery - compliment other to "butter them up" and get them in good mood for requests. Hone in on their Insecurities and provide them the reassurance they need for better effect.

*Favor/Gift - give favors and gifts so down the road they owe me for what I have done for them.

False Intimacy - pretend to be interested in everything they are (music, hobbies, people....) Tell Fake secrets to build trust and loyalty and to allow them to in return tell secrets about themselves. Give them hat they want / need (E) , Say what they want to hear , [works best with new friend]

False Expectations - pretend things are a certain way (way I want them) already making decision before other can get to thinking. (Ex. alright then see you @ 8)

Silence treatment - give random and unexpected silent treatment. To throw them off and could even make the empathetic or Emotional feel as if they did something wrong and make up for it with gifts or overt kindness, which indicates you have them wrapped around your finger

Over asking - ask for something major for 1st request knowing it'll get denied . then butter it down with a minor more compatible request (the one you wanted all along) 

False Equivalence - False equivalence is when the manipulator uses a logical fallacy to imply that if you do (or don’t do) one specific thing, that it means something else, usually that you have a generally undesirable trait.

*Guilt / Shaming - make victim feel guilty for what he has done, or isn't going to do. [[(Gather intelligence for guilt trips, do request]]) if request turned down, make feel guilty with the intelligence that's gathered

Fake normal - say the thing there doing is so normal everyone is doing it,, or so NOT normal that nobody does it. They'll feel inclined to do the request.

Subject Switch - suddenly bring up Hot gossip or Interesting news, genuine interests, whenever you don't want to talk about something

Reactions / Intention test - create a story to tell others to see how they react to such type of story. Test intentions .

Random / unexpected behavior - keep people on tip of their toes by never revealing the reasons behind your actions.  (Nice/Mean randomly with no patterns)

Fill Emotional needs - fill their Insecurities and unhappiness and find the root for them both. Provide them the reassurance they need. Give people what they want and say what they want to hear. 

Over-playing - When someone asks for something, use something along the lines "oh come on, is that what you REALLY WANT" Over play the request from person and tweak it to your advantage to get out of requests or to persuade 


PLAN IN ADVANCE, if there's double shift, and need your kids watched or needing a car ride , or anything. Butter them up for the duration by helping them with favors, flattery ect... So when the time comes you can voice all that you've done for them. And they'll feel inclined to do so. 

Bring up topics about work, family, ex's , ... To test reaction and see how they feel about them. 

best type to manipulate are people who are: those who can't say no, those who are naive or child like,
extremely trusting people, people who are generous with everything, those who are sensitive to fads, those who are starving for attention (especially someone who needs to follow another person), and sometimes people who have had a hard past. 

For a effective manipulation tactic, have insight on what person believes about them selves and what they think about themselves and tweak it to your advantage. Some universal ones that can apply to everyone are Cool , Hot/sexy , smart ... Ones that apply to specific people means you would have to know the person and what beliefs he has, and what they thinks about themselves and study them . some examples might be like: Confident, Persuasive, Hardworking, Funny... Their all more `narrowed down` to the particular (certain people) .  Now what I mean when I say "Tweak it to your advantage" if you wanted  something out of somebody, you could use these "beliefs" to your advantage if they gave you any shit... Ex "want friend to go to movies and he says " he can't" you could use the belief of Cool and Smart knowing him for a while, you can use this to your advantage in this situation by saying " if your cool you would come along, and tickets are half off so don't be "stupid" and turn down this cheap fun night " and tweak it to however it sounds best . 

Study people's:

Beliefs (about themselves)
Reactions (how they get persuaded , reactions to different situations/ circumstances)
*What makes them happy
*Gather Guilt Intelligence / dirt on others 
Establish baseline behavior  & compare to Circumstances /situations and other people
Emotional Triggers


Discovering Each man's thumbscrew.

1) Pay Attention to Gestures and Unconscious Signals 

A) The key is not only what you look for but where and how you look.
B) Train yourself to listen.
C) Start by always seeming interested—the appearance of a sympathetic ear will spur anyone to talk.
D) Share a secret with them. It can be completely made up, or it can be real but of no great importance to you· This will usually elicit a response that reveals a weakness.
E) Train your eye for details
· How someone tips a waiter.
· What delights a person
· Hidden messages in clothes. 
F) Find people's idols, the things they worship and will do anything to get—perhaps you can be the supplier of their fantasies.

2) Find the Helpless Child - Most weaknesses begin in childhood, before the self builds up compensatory defenses. 
1. Perhaps the child was pampered or indulged in a particular area.· If they reveal a secret taste, a hidden indulgence, indulge it. In either case they will be unable to resist you. The indulgence or the deficiency may be buried but never disappears.
2. Perhaps a certain emotional need went unfulfilled · If your victims or rivals went without something important, such as parental support, when they were children, supply it, or its facsimile
3. Learn about a childhood need; a powerful key to a person's weakness. One sign of this weakness is that when you touch on it the person will often act like a child. Be on the lookout, then, for any behavior that should have been outgrown. 

3) Look for Contrasts - An overt trait often conceals its opposite. 
1. People who thump their chests are often big cowards; a prudish exterior may hide a lascivious soul
2. The uptight are often screaming for adventure; the shy are dying for attention. 
3. Probe beyond appearances, you will often find people's weaknesses in the opposite of the qualities they reveal to you. 

4) Find the Weak Link -  Sometimes in your search for weaknesses it is not what but who that matters. 
1. There is often someone behind the scenes who has a great deal of power, a tremendous influence over the person superficially on top. · These behind-the-scenes powerbrokers are the group's weak link: Win their favor and you indirectly influence the king. 
2. Alternatively, even in a group of people acting with the appearance of one will. Find the one person who will bend under pressure.· When a group under attack closes ranks to resist an outsider—there is always a weak link in the chain. 

5) Fill the Void - The two main emotional voids to fill are insecurity and un-happiness. 
1. The insecure are suckers for any kind of social validation; as for the chronically unhappy, look for the roots of their unhappiness. 
2. The insecure and the unhappy are the people least able to disguise their weaknesses. · The ability to fill their emotional voids is a great source of power, and an indefinitely prolonged one. 

6) Feed on Uncontrollable Emotions - The uncontrollable emotion can be a paranoid fear.
1. Fear disproportionate to the situation.
2. Or any base motive such as lust, greed, vanity, or hatred. · People in the grip of these emotions often cannot control themselves, and you can do the controlling for them. 



1)Scarcity - Tell them how scarce the offer is and that its a one time deal .
2)Being Credible - Show your Credible by providing credibility. Before hand of trying to persuade say how experienced you are at matter, how long you've been studying, how you know what you do. showing credibility.
3)Reciprocity - rule of thumb is that people return favors so for greater return of favor. Be the first to give and ensure what you give is personalized and unexpected.
 STEP #1 - 4)Liking - people like others who: 1) Similar 2) Pay Compliments 3) Are Cooperative
 (If people like you they'll be more compliant) 
When trying to sell/persuade show 1) Similarities
When trying to sell/persuade pay 2) Compliments
When trying to sell/persuade be 3) Cooperative 
5) technique - End persuasion with a “…it’s good for you!” or “…it’s fun!” are great ways to reframe the request and remind them that complying with your suggestion is worth it.
6) technique - Has someone been repeatedly avoiding your requests for their? Try “Even one second of your time would be fantastic”. Trying to get people to sponsor your charity fun run? Try “Every little penny helps”.

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Today | 14, March 2025