Construction History Of Pharaohs Pyramids


The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as t0mbs f0r the phara0hs and their queens. The phara0hs were buried in pyramids 0f many different shapes and sizes fr0m bef0re the beginning 0f the 0ld Kingd0m t0 the end 0f the Middle Kingd0m.

There are ab0ut eighty pyramids kn0wn t0day fr0m ancient Egypt. The three largest and best-preserved 0f these were built at Giza at the beginning 0f the 0ld Kingd0m. The m0st well-kn0wn 0f these pyramids was built f0r the phara0h Khufu. It is kn0wn as the 'Great Pyramid'.

The phara0h Khufu, like the phara0hs bef0re him, began planning his 'h0use 0f eternity' as s00n as he t00k the thr0ne. A sp0t was ch0sen f0r building 0n the west bank 0f the Nile. Cemeteries were usually built 0n the west bank because the sun 'died' 0n the western h0riz0n every night

Khufu's architects were wise and experienced men. They knew the imp0rtance 0f building the phara0h's final resting place s0 that its sides faced directly n0rth, s0uth, east and west.

They planned a large pyramid- the largest 0ne ever built in ancient Egypt. The 0utlines 0f the pyramid were measured and marked in the desert sand.

Then the building began. Large bl0cks 0f st0ne were cut fr0m quarries nearby. They were dragged by gr0ups 0f men acr0ss the desert t0 the site 0f the pyramid and set in place. M0st 0f the w0rkers were farmers wh0 w0rked 0n building the pyramid during the fl00d seas0n when their fields were under water.
F0r ab0ut 20 years, hundreds 0f men w0rked 0n building the pyramid. As they built each level, they als0 built up the ramps ar0und the pyramid.

When the pyramid was alm0st finished, a special bl0ck c0vered in shining metal (either g0ld 0r electrum) was placed 0n the t0p 0f the pyramid.

Then, bl0cks 0f white limest0ne fr0m quarries acr0ss the Nile were used t0 c0ver the pyramid. The bl0cks were trimmed t0 make the 0utside 0f the pyramid sm00th.
Finally, the pyramid was finished.

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