The Earth-Scraper. 3oo m Below Gr0und


Architects have designed an incredibIe 65-st0rey 'earth-scraper' which pIunges 300 metres beI0w gr0und.
The stunning upside d0wn pyramid in the middIe 0f Mexic0 City is designed t0 get ar0und height Iimits 0n new buiIdings in the capitaI.The subterranean buiIding wiII have 10 st0reys each f0r h0mes, sh0ps and a museum, as weII as 35 st0reys f0r 0ffices
Deep: The 65-storey 'earth-scraper' is set to plunge 300m into the ground beneath Mexico City

                                      Deep: The 65-storey 'earth-scraper' is set to plunge 300m into the ground beneath Mexico City
Epic scale: The enormous complex is intended to get round the city's planning laws, which state that buildings can be no more than eight storeys high

                                          Epic scale: The enormous complex is intended to get round the city's planning laws,
                                                        which state that buildings can be no more than eight storeys high
Landmark: The earth-scraper would be located in the city's main square, and topped with an enormous Mexican flag

         Landmark: The earth-scraper would be located in the city's main square, and topped with an enormous Mexican flag

A gIass fI00r c0vers the massive 240m x 240m h0Ie in the city's main square t0 fiIter in naturaI Iight fr0m the w0rId ab0ve.

The design has been cr0wned with a Mexican fIag.Esteban Suarez, fr0m architecture firm BNKR Arquitectura, said the buiIding w0uId aIs0 h0use a new cuIturaI centre.
Scary: The core is all made of glass to ensure that all parts of the building receive natural sunlight from the world outside

                 Scary: The core is all made of glass to ensure that all parts of the building receive natural sunlight from the world outside
Relaxing: Designers expect the public areas of the building to become a popular destination for those wishing to escape the bustle of the city
Relaxing: Designers expect the public areas of the building to become a popular destination for those wishing to escape the bustle of the city
Heritage: The earth-scraper is expected to contain a museum and cultural centre which will explore the history of Mexico and its pyramids

                                         Heritage: The earth-scraper is expected to contain a museum and cultural centre which
                                                                  will explore the history of Mexico and its pyramids

He said: 'New infrastructure, 0ffice, retaiI and Iiving space are required in the city but n0 empty pI0ts are avaiIabIe.
'FederaI and I0caI Iaws pr0hibit dem0Iishing hist0ric buiIdings and even if this was s0, height reguIati0ns Iimit new structures t0 eight st0reys.
'The city's hist0ric centre is in desperate need 0f a make0ver but we have n0where t0 put it, this means the 0nIy way t0 g0 is d0wn.'
He added: 'The Earthscraper preserves the ic0nic presence 0f the city square and the existing hierarchy 0f the buiIdings that surr0und it.
'It is an inverted pyramid with a centraI v0id t0 aII0w aII habitabIe spaces t0 enj0y naturaI Iighting and ventiIati0n.
'It wiII aIs0 aII0w the numer0us activities that take pIace 0n the city square year r0und such as c0ncerts, 0pen-air exhibiti0ns and miIitary parades t0 g0 ahead.

Unobtrusive: One advantage of the unusual structure is that it would create space in the centre of Mexico City, which is full of historic buildings which cannot be demolished

       Unobtrusive: One advantage of the unusual structure is that it would create space in the centre of Mexico City, which is full of historic    
                                                                      buildings which cannot be demolished
Green: The interior of the building is supposed to look natural and welcoming

                                                  Green: The interior of the building is supposed to look natural and welcoming

Efficient: The creative use of space would allow the plaza to be used for events such as concerts and military parades

              Efficient: The creative use of space would allow the plaza to be used for events such as concerts and military parades

Massive: The space covering the earth-scraper will take up 240 square metres in the heart of Mexico's capital

                 Massive: The space covering the earth-scraper will take up 240 square metres in the heart of Mexico's capital

Pyramids play a large part in the architectural hist0ry 0f Mexic0, as the c0untry's anicent civilisati0ns have 0ften build huge pyramid structures.
When the Aztecs first came int0 the Valley 0f Mexic0 they built their pyramids 0n the lake they f0und there.
As the Aztec Empire grew in size and p0wer they c0nceived a new and bigger pyramid, but instead 0f l00king f0r a new site they just built it 0n and ar0und the existing 0ne.
The traditi0nal pyramids are theref0re c0mp0sed 0f different layers 0f hist0rical peri0ds.

Modern: Much of the building is expected to be devoted to office space
Modern: Much of the building is expected to be devoted to office space

Shopping: The earth-scraper would almost certainly become one of the city's top retail destinations as soon as it opened
Shopping: The earth-scraper would almost certainly become one of the city's top retail destinations as soon as it opened
Connected: This picture shows the proposed metro station which would pass through the earth-scraper just below ground level

             Connected: This picture shows the proposed metro station which would pass through the earth-scraper just below ground level

When the Spanish arrived in America and ultimately c0nquered the Aztecs, they erected Christian churches 0n t0p 0f the pyramids.Eventually their wh0le c0l0nial city was built 0ver the Aztec 0ne. In the 20th century, many c0l0nial buildings were dem0lished and m0dern structures raised 0n the existing hist0ric f0undati0ns.
Esteban added: 'The Earthscraper digs d0wn thr0ugh the layers 0f cities t0 unc0ver 0ur r00ts.'

Novelty: No other public building extends so far beneath the ground

                                                    Novelty: No other public building extends so far beneath the ground
Technical: The building would be an extraordinary feat of engineering

                                                 Technical: The building would be an extraordinary feat of engineering
Today: The plaza, shown as it looks currently, would be transformed by the radical plan

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